Introducing Journey to Composure

Five steps to happier, adaptable, productive people at work

Supporting individuals never mattered so much

When the pressure is on and stakes are high, organisations have the most to gain or lose – it’s your people who deliver the impact. Organisations looking to succeed need individuals, teams and leaders who are adaptable and resilient, so they can enjoy the challenges of work and consistently perform at their productive, happiest best.


That’s why Lumina Spark’s latest powerful virtual feature is here to help organisations unleash the full potential of their people, giving them actionable self-development skills that build self-awareness to last a lifetime.


Journey to Composure is a simple five-step development experience that builds personal adaptability and resilience to increase personal performance, helping you empower people with a practical easy-to-apply plan that guides them to be their most effective self at work when facing challenges.

Actionable skills that last a lifetime

Using Lumina Spark’s powerful 24 Qualities and 3 Personas, Journey to Composure helps individuals recognise their ineffective behaviours that might be holding them back and shows them how to shift from those behaviours.


It’s a dynamic, practical and deeper look into what happens when we overextend and brings learning personal development into real, actionable use in the workplace.


You can enable clear and continuous self-development that gives lifelong impacts to the individual and their organisation. You’ll give people a continuous adaptable, actionable focus that puts their personal development into real use at work.

Productive, happier workplaces

Each personalised step helps individuals shift from their ineffective behaviours and ultimately refocus on being their most effective, high performing and happier self. Journey to Composure is Lumina Spark’s workplace action plan that gives individuals, teams and leaders continuous development experiences that last a lifetime.


By empowering individuals with a simple five-step plan that puts their continuous development into real use at work, you’ll help them deliver their best performance and tackle challenges with success. The impact? More productive, happier workplaces that thrive from adaptable, resilient individuals who can consistently perform at their best to help organisations meet their goals.

Maximise value from personal development

Ultimately, you’ll maximise the value of investing in people development by creating highly engaging, sustainable, lifelong learning that is easily applicable beyond workshops and coaching sessions, or any other development experience. It’s a personal lens and skillset for life.


Journey to Composure ensures that development initiatives meet their organisational goals by delivering learning outcomes directly into the workplace, with guidance and accountability given to the individual to own their personal development and performance.


You’ll create the same outstandingly interactive and engaging development whether delivered remotely or face-to-face. It’s the latest virtual feature of Lumina Spark bringing personality to your computer or printed at your workdesk. All here so organisations can support individuals’ personal experiences with lifelong learning that unleashes their potential.


Five simple steps for the individual, one giant leap for the organisation. Help people deliver the impact.

Identify the Overextended Quality
Stop. Pause.
Select a Quality to help you regain your composure
Select a Quality to help you deal more effectively with the situation
Help avoid this Overextension in future

The So What?

Take a deeper dive into Lumina Spark’s Three Personas and Overextensions

Help people remain composed during challenges, pressure and stress

Develop personal adaptability and resilience skills that last a life time

Take a deeper dive into Lumina Spark’s Three Personas and Overextensions

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